Tuesday 8 September 2009

The Sticky Stuff

Q: What has a Mayan safe-guarded Mexican rainforest and Oxford Street got in common??
A: They both have an enormous amount of chewing gum there...

In fact, it takes 17 weeks to clean the gum off the length of Oxford Streets pavements.
The Mexicans have however, gone from selling the sap from the Chicozapote trees to global gum manufacturers, and have decided to create something brand new from the chicle (sap).
The first, 100% biodegradable, sustainably farmed, chewing gum has arrived.
The aptly named CHICZA, comes in three flavours: mint, spearmint and lime! It's currently available in Waitrose and the restaurant chain Wahaca.
The good news about the biodegradability isn't just environmental but it also takes the stress out of treading in a great lump of the stuff because Chicza dissolves in 6 weeks...which is also great for kids who insist on swallowing it!

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